Things have been a little more hectic than usual, I must say. With all the events that have occurred within the past week, I feel.. oh what's the word.. shaken up? Frazzled? Unprepared? You name it. But then I remembered an article on one of my best friends,Emily Campbell, wrote on her blog not too long ago.
Get Naked.
No, not the birthday suit type of naked, the type of naked as in being yourself, not afraid to show your true colors.

That's how its been for me these last couple days. I haven't truely been able to be myself due to the expectations of others. But then I realized, I shouldn't just be living up to everyone else's expectations, I should be living up to mine. I shouldn't have to hide if it isn't what other people want. This also majorly pretains to my journey to the fashion world.You won't get anywhere if you're hiding under a bunch of horribly tacky clothes that someone else picked out for you, isn't that right? So I tell you, fellow bloggies, follow Emilys advice, and GET NAKED. I did.
:) naked is the way to go! I'm glad you realized this. And I'm glad I inspired you!
love you