During the months of my absence I got myself into a lot of trouble; let's just say I made two MAJOR mistakes. I will put it this way, it had to do with a lie, loss of friends, gain of true ones, and the challenges that came my way.
I've waited to post because I felt that I never had anything meaningful to say. If I am going to say something, it better be worth while, right? So today, at 10 at night, it has hit me: I need to share what I have learned and how it is changing me.
b) True friends will stick with you, through thick and thin, they won't feed you to the sharks for making a mistake, no matter how stupid, wrong, or unjust it may be..
c) Be yourself. No matter who is telling you what to be, you should know better.You can't sit there, waiting for someone to come and set you free to be yourself, but that is not the case, you have to want it. You have to break free because it is what YOU want. You won't get anywhere in life if you are faking it. Sure, you may get far, but you won't get where you initally want to be by taking the easy way out and faking who you are.
d) Love yourself. I can't stress this enough; If you don't love yourself you can't do much of anything in your life.You need to do what is good for YOU, take some time for YOU, do what YOU want to do. I think this is the most important lesson I learned, and it brings me to so many other things; things I need to do for myself.
2. The same with art... backburner, bring it back to the surface, yeah yeah yeah... at least once a week I want to post someone new I've done pertaining to art.
3. My best friend Ian Haydel died recently, and I haven't brought myself to visiting his grave, something I need to do soon.
I know what you, the reader, are thinking right now, about how you hear this all the time from plenty of people and books and on tv, but it never sticks with you until it happens to you. I've heard all these things before and not until I was missing them did I notice how much they are needed in a human life.
1. Art posts/ updates
2. Fashion posts/ updates
3. A trip to the Houma cemetery
4. Becoming more myself-- lessons I learn along the way
So what are you supposed to do, reader? How are you supposed to be a part of my life? By keeping me on track and watching how I evolve into who I should be and who I am creating myself to be, and hopefully it can somehow translate into helping you be a better self in your own life. Help me help you =]
P.S. My newest peice of artwork, of the always lovely Emily Campbell.

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